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How to Install and Use AFKBot - A Bot for Minecraft to Stay AFK with GUI and Notifications


What is an AFK Bot and How to Download It in a Zip File


If you are a fan of online games or applications, you may have encountered situations where you need to stay online but cannot actively use your device or keyboard. For example, you may want to keep your Minecraft server running while you are away from your computer, or you may want to avoid being kicked out of a chat room for being idle. In such cases, you may find an AFK bot useful.

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An AFK bot is a program that simulates user activity by sending keystrokes, mouse movements, or chat messages. It can help you avoid being detected as inactive by the game or application's idle detection system. It can also perform certain tasks automatically, such as mining resources, farming items, or responding to messages.

A zip file is a compressed file format that reduces the size of one or more files or folders by removing redundant data. It can help you save storage space and bandwidth when transferring data over the internet. It can also make it easier to organize and manage your files.

By downloading an AFK bot in a zip file, you can enjoy several benefits. You can download the bot faster and easier, as the file size is smaller. You can also unzip the file and run the bot on any device or operating system, as long as you have the required software or tools. You can also zip the bot again after using it, to save space and protect your data.

In this article, we will show you how to create an AFK bot for Minecraft, one of the most popular online games in the world. We will also show you how to zip and unzip files on different operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. By the end of this article, you will be able to download and use an AFK bot in a zip file with ease.

How to Create an AFK Bot for Minecraft

Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to create and explore a virtual world made of blocks. It has various modes, such as survival, creative, adventure, and multiplayer. In multiplayer mode, players can join servers hosted by other players or create their own servers. However, some servers may have idle detection systems that kick out players who are not actively playing. This can be frustrating if you want to keep your server running or join a server that is full.

An AFK bot can help you avoid being kicked out of a server by simulating user activity. It can also perform certain tasks automatically, such as mining resources, farming items, or building structures. There are different ways to create an AFK bot for Minecraft, depending on your preference and skill level. Here are two methods that you can try:

Using Node.JS and GitHub

Node.JS is a software platform that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is widely used for developing web applications and servers. GitHub is a website that hosts code repositories and provides version control and collaboration tools for developers. You can use Node.JS and GitHub to create an AFK bot for Minecraft by following these steps:

Downloading and installing Node.JS

To use Node.JS, you need to download and install it on your device. You can download it from the official website: Choose the version that matches your operating system and follow the instructions to install it.

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Downloading and configuring the AFK bot package from GitHub

To create an AFK bot for Minecraft, you need to download a package that contains the code and dependencies for the bot. One such package is mineflayer-afk, which is available on GitHub: You can download it by clicking on the green Code button and choosing Download ZIP.

After downloading the package, you need to unzip it and open it in a text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You need to edit the config.json file, which contains the settings for the bot. You need to enter the following information:

- The server address and port - The username and password (if required) - The mode (afk or auto) - The interval (in seconds) between actions - The actions (such as chat messages or commands) For example, if you want your bot to join a server with the address, use the username Bob, stay in afk mode, and send a chat message every 10 seconds, your config.json file should look like this:

"server": "", "port": 25565, "username": "Bob", "password": "", "mode": "afk", "interval": 10, "actions": [ "type": "chat", "message": "I am AFK" ]

Running the AFK bot with node command

After editing the config.json file, you need to run the AFK bot with node command. To do this, you need to open a terminal or command prompt window and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the package. Then, you need to type the following command:

node index.js

This will start the AFK bot and connect it to the server that you specified in the config.json file. You should see some messages in the terminal window indicating that the bot is online and performing actions. You can also check the server chat or console to see if the bot is working.

Using Python and PyAutoGUI

Python is a programming language that is easy to learn and versatile. PyAutoGUI is a Python module that allows you to control the mouse and keyboard programmatically. You can use Python and PyAutoGUI to create an AFK bot for Minecraft by following these steps :

Downloading and installing Python

To use Python, you need to download and install it on your device. You can download it from the official website: Choose the version that matches your operating system and follow the instructions to install it.

Installing PyAutoGUI module with pip command

To use PyAutoGUI, you need to install it as a Python module with pip command. Pip is a package manager that allows you to install and manage Python modules. To install PyAutoGUI, you need to open a terminal or command prompt window and type the following command:

pip install pyautogui

This will download and install PyAutoGUI on your device. You may need to add the Python and pip directories to your system path variable to run the commands.

Writing a Python script that moves the mouse periodically

To create an AFK bot for Minecraft, you need to write a Python script that moves the mouse periodically. This will simulate user activity and prevent the game from detecting you as idle. You can use PyAutoGUI's mouse functions to control the mouse movement. For example, you can use the moveTo() function to move the mouse cursor to a specific position on the screen, or the moveRel() function to move the mouse cursor relative to its current position. You can also use the time module to add delays between mouse movements. Here is an example of a Python script that moves the mouse every 10 seconds:

import pyautogui import time while True: # Move the mouse cursor to the center of the screen pyautogui.moveTo(960, 540) # Wait for 10 seconds time.sleep(10) # Move the mouse cursor 100 pixels to the right pyautogui.moveRel(100, 0) # Wait for 10 seconds time.sleep(10)

Running the Python script with python command

After writing the Python script, you need to run it with python command. To do this, you need to open a terminal or command prompt window and navigate to the folder where you saved the script. Then, you need to type the following command:


This will start the AFK bot and move the mouse periodically. You should see the mouse cursor moving on your screen. You can also check the game window to see if the bot is working.

How to Zip and Unzip Files on Different Operating Systems

Zipping and unzipping files are common tasks that involve compressing and decompressing data. Zipping files can help you reduce file size, save storage space, and transfer data faster. Unzipping files can help you restore file size, access data, and run programs. There are different ways to zip and unzip files on different operating systems, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some methods that you can try:


Windows is a popular operating system that runs on most personal computers and laptops. It has built-in features that allow you to zip and unzip files with File Explorer, which is the default file manager for Windows. You can also use third-party software such as WinZip, which is a widely used tool for zipping and unzipping files.

Zipping files with File Explorer

To zip files with File Explorer, you need to follow these steps:

- Select one or more files or folders that you want to zip - Right-click on them and choose Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder - Enter a name for the zip file and press Enter This will create a zip file in the same location as the original files or folders.

Unzipping files with File Explorer or WinZip

To unzip files with File Explorer, you need to follow these steps:

- Locate the zip file that you want to unzip - Right-click on it and choose Extract All - Choose a destination folder for the extracted files and click Extract This will unzip the files in the destination folder.

To unzip files with WinZip, you need to follow these steps:

- Download and install WinZip from - Locate the zip file that you want to unzip - Right-click on it and choose WinZip > Extract to here or Extract to folder This will unzip the files in the same location as the zip file or in a new folder.


Mac is another popular operating system that runs on Apple devices such as MacBooks and iMacs. It has built-in features that allow you to zip and unzip files with Finder, which is the default file manager for Mac. You can also use Terminal, which is a command-line interface for Mac, to zip and unzip files with commands.

Zipping files with Finder or Terminal

To zip files with Finder, you need to follow these steps:

- Select one or more files or folders that you want to zip - Right-click on them and choose Compress Items - Enter a name for the zip file and press Enter This will create a zip file in the same location as the original files or folders.

To zip files with Terminal, you need to follow these steps:

- Open Terminal from Applications > Utilities or Spotlight Search - Navigate to the folder where the files or folders that you want to zip are located - Type the following command:

zip -r file1 file2 folder1 folder2

- Replace with the name of the zip file that you want to create - Replace file1 file2 folder1 folder2 with the names of the files or folders that you want to zip - Press Enter This will create a zip file in the same folder as the original files or folders.

Unzipping files with Finder or Terminal

To unzip files with Finder, you need to follow these steps:

- Locate the zip file that you want to unzip - Double-click on it or right-click on it and choose Open - Choose a destination folder for the extracted files and click OK This will unzip the files in the destination folder.

To unzip files with Terminal, you need to follow these steps:

- Open Terminal from Applications > Utilities or Spotlight Search - Navigate to the folder where the zip file that you want to unzip is located - Type the following command:


- Replace with the name of the zip file that you want to unzip - Press Enter This will unzip the files in the same folder as the zip file.


Linux is an open-source operating system that runs on various devices and platforms. It has many distributions, such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and Mint. It has command-line tools that allow you to zip and unzip files with commands. You can also use graphical user interface (GUI) tools that allow you to zip and unzip files with clicks.

Zipping files with zip command or GUI tools

To zip files with zip command, you need to follow these steps:

- Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder where the files or folders that you want to zip are located - Type the following command:

zip -r file1 file2 folder1 folder2

- Replace with the name of the zip file that you want to create - Replace file1 file2 folder1 folder2 with the names of the files or folders that you want to zip - Press Enter This will create a zip file in the same folder as the original files or folders.

To zip files with GUI tools, you need to follow these steps:

- Select one or more files or folders that you want to zip - Right-click on them and choose Compress or Archive - Enter a name for the zip file and choose ZIP as the format - Click OK or Create This will create a zip file in the same location as the original files or folders.

Unzipping files with unzip command or GUI tools

To unzip files with unzip command, you need to follow these steps:

- Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder where the zip file that you want to unzip is located - Type the following command:


- Replace with the name of the zip file that you want to unzip - Press Enter This will unzip the files in the same folder as the zip file.

To unzip files with GUI tools, you need to follow these steps:

- Locate the zip file that you want to unzip - Double-click on it or right-click on it and choose Extract Here or Extract To - Choose a destination folder for the extracted files and click OK or Extract This will unzip the files in the destination folder.


In this article, we have shown you what an AFK bot is and how to download it in a zip file. We have also shown you how to create an AFK bot for Minecraft using Node.JS and GitHub or Python and PyAutoGUI. We have also shown you how to zip and unzip files on different operating systems using built-in features or third-party software. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative. Here are some tips and warnings for using AFK bots and zip files:

- Be careful when using AFK bots on servers that have rules or policies against them. You may risk getting banned or reported by other players or moderators. - Be respectful and responsible when using AFK bots. Do not use them to spam, grief, cheat, or harass other players or applications. - Be aware of the security risks of downloading zip files from unknown or untrusted sources. You may expose your device or data to malware, viruses, or phishing attacks. - Be sure to backup your important files or data before zipping or unzipping them. You may lose or corrupt your files or data due to errors, crashes, or power failures. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about this article, please feel free to share them with us. We would love to hear from you and improve our content. Thank you for reading and happy zipping and unzipping!


Here are some frequently asked questions about AFK bots and zip files:

Q1: What does AFK mean?

A1: AFK stands for Away From Keyboard. It means that the user is not actively using their device or keyboard.

Q2: What are some examples of AFK bots for other games or applications?

A2: Some examples are Discord bots that respond to mentions, Telegram bots that send messages, or browser extensions that automate tasks.

Q3: What are some alternatives to zip files for compressing data?

A3: Some alternatives are 7-Zip, RAR, TAR, or GZIP files. They have different compression algorithms and ratios.

Q4: How can I protect my zip files from unauthorized access?

A4: You can encrypt your zip files with a password or use a secure cloud service to store them.

Q5: How can I troubleshoot problems with zipping or unzipping files?

A5: You can check the file size, format, and permissions. You can also use a different tool or software to open or create zip files. 44f88ac181


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