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Painkiller.Battle.Out.Of.Hell-RELOADED: The Gothic Story Continues in this Frantic Gameplay


Having trouble with your games not loading in Origin? Repair Game checks your game's installation and then automatically downloads any replacement or missing files. If there are any file issues or corrupt files, it will replace them or download them again.

As always, things will start out small and with more vague release targets, but get fleshed out and organised as the year goes on and release dates solidify. For the 2022 video game release dates, hit the link.

Painkiller.Battle.Out.Of.Hell-RELOADED game download

A sequel to a Doom II Game Mod, made by Stephen "Scuba Steve" Browning, but this time released as a standalone game. It's available as a freeware download, but it was also released in a boxed version, which includes some extra goodies. As of now, the bonus levels included in the boxed version are now free to download off of the main site.

The game puts you as a grizzled veteran, living in a desolate, crime-filled quarter of the city, with only your daughter to keep you company and bring a point to your life. When she gets taken away by henchmen working for an unknown boss, you set on a quest to find her, learn about the people who took her and take revenge on those responsible, while beating up tons of criminals along the way. Although short, the game offers multiple paths to take and a lot of secrets.

Sony has finally rolled out the most awaited PS Plus in the Americas. With the launch of the new subscription, a lot of titles are removed from the PS Now. Check out the list of games that were removed from the PS Now subscription.

CFW2OFW is a term to describe converting dumped/ripped PS3 retail Blu-ray disc (BD) games from ISO or PS3_Game folder into digital backups manually or using one of these Windows PC tools/apps: CFW2OFW Helper PS3GameConvert KDW CFW2OFW TrueAncestor Backup Retailer (aka TABR)

Only games with available game updates can be converted but workarounds are found which require special handling (marked "Exclusive Method") shown in the table Notes. If LIC.DAT is missing, use KDW LIC.DAT Offline Generator to create a new license; although the above-listed tools generate LIC.DAT automatically.

1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCUS98298] into "NPUA72074",2. Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPUA72074] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPUA72074] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPUA72074,5. Download only the v1.01 update for BCUS98298,6. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCUS98298",7. For DTU: Transfer NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.7. For HAN: Move NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.For Han: converted with CFW2OFW Helper v13 the game stucks at a black screen. Feel free to try with PS3GameConvert v0.91.

1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCUS99134] into "NPUA72074",2. Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPUA72074] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPUA72074] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPUA72074,5. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCUS98298",6. For DTU: Transfer NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.6. For HAN: Move NPUA72074 and BCUS98298 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.

1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCES01123] into "NPEA90127",2. Unpack the demo NPEA90127 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPEA90127] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPEA90127] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPEA90127,5. Download only the v1.01 update for BCES01123,6. Unpack contents of downloaded v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCES01123",7. For DTU: Transfer NPEA90127 and BCES01123 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.7. For HAN: Move NPEA90127 and BCES01123 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.

1. Rename the PS3_Game folder of retail disc [BCES01888] into "NPEA90127",2. Unpack the demo NPEA90127 then copy only the [eboot.bin] from it then paste into folder [USRDIR] in [NPEA90127] renamed in step 1,3. Edit PARAM.SFO of [NPEA90127] and change Category from DG Disc Game (blu-ray) to HG Harddrive Game then Save,4. Delete LICDIR folder in NPEA90127,5. Unpack contents of downloaded BCES01888 v1.01 update then move them to a new folder called "BCES01888",6a. For DTU: Transfer NPEA90127 and BCES01888 folders into CFW PS3 then DTU to OFW PS3. Done.6b. For HAN: Move NPEA90127 and BCES01888 folders into make-backup-pkg directory then open/run [do.bat]. Install on HAN PS3 with [Enable Debug Packages]. Done.

1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30790"2. Decrypt eboot.bin with scetool3. Open eboot.elf with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 37 39 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01] and save4. Move the modified eboot.elf to scetool folder, open CMD and type:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=TRUE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30790_00-BLEACHSOULRESURR --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN5. Copy the new eboot.bin into NPUB30970 folder6. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save7. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.

1. Create a BLUS31270 folder and copy USRDIR from the full game directory.2. Use the game converter on it, and then navigate to NPUB31270/USRDIR and delete everything except EBOOT.bin.3. Copy all of the contents of the converted BLUS31270 into the BLUS31270 folder you had created, and overwrite all.4. Copy both your BLUS31270 and NPUB31270 to your OFW PS3.

1. Create a BLES01945 folder and copy USRDIR from the full game directory.2. Use the game converter on it, and then navigate to NPEB01945/USRDIR and delete everything except EBOOT.bin.3. Copy all of the contents of the converted BLES01945 into the BLES01945 folder you had created, and overwrite all.4. Copy both your BLES01945 and NPEB01945 to your OFW PS3.edit: you can also follow the "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" instructions. It works for me.Note: converted with PS3GameConvert_v0.91 .

For HAN: Use PS3GameConvert_v0.91.For injection: use the same method of MW3:1. Before converting, move the original files of "PS3_GAME\USRDIR" (except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self) to a temp folder outside the PS3_GAME folder.2. Convert the game using CFW2OFW v1.13 ("PS3_GAME\USRDIR" only containing EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files).3. After the convertion, move the original files (the temp folder) to the converted folder "BLUS30377\USRDIR".4. Inject the converted files (BLUS30377 & NPUB30377) in backup using PS3Xport Tool v1.1.

STEPS:1. Copy all Disc files, except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self from "/USRDIR/*" to update folder "BLES00683/USRDIR/*".2. Delete all converted files from "NPEB00683/USRDIR/*" except EBOOT.BIN from update.3. Copy default.self and default_mp.self from Disc to "NPEB00683/USRDIR/".NOTE: The game does not need be converted if you manually copied the needed files from PS3_GAME folder, excluding USRDIR.

STEPS:1. Copy all Disc files, except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self from "/USRDIR/*" to update folder "BLES00687/USRDIR/*".2. Delete all converted files from "NPEB00687/USRDIR/*" except EBOOT.BIN from update.3. Copy default.self and default_mp.self from Disc to "NPEB00687/USRDIR/".NOTE: The game does not need be converted if you manually copied the needed files from PS3_GAME folder, excluding USRDIR.

If you get black screen and console freeze during game startup on HEN/HAN try this method:1. Before converting, move the original files of "PS3_GAME\USRDIR" (except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self) to a temp folder outside the PS3_GAME folder.2. Convert the game using CFW2OFW v1.13 ("PS3_GAME\USRDIR" should contain EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files only).3. After the conversion, move the original files (the ones inside the temp folder you made in step 1) to the converted folder "BLES00687\USRDIR". (resulting NPEB00687 folder should be small, around 19-20MB in size and BLES00684 should be around 7.15GB)4. Make the packages with Make-Backup-PKG, game package will be small (19-20MB) while patch will be the biggest one (7.15GB) 2ff7e9595c


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